[DL Wizard] Forwardpropagation, Backpropagation and Gradient Descent with PyTorch 번역 및 정리
https://www.deeplearningwizard.com/deep_learning/boosting_models_pytorch/forwardpropagation_backpropagation_gradientdescent/ Forward- and Backward-propagation and Gradient Descent (From Scratch FNN Regression) - Deep Learning Wizard Forwardpropagation, Backpropagation and Gradient Descent with PyTorch Transiting to Backpropagation Let's go back to our simple FNN to put things in perspective Let ..
2020.02.04 -
밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝 2권 : Chapter 1-2 2020.01.24