[DL Wizard] Forwardpropagation, Backpropagation and Gradient Descent with PyTorch 번역 및 정리

2020. 2. 4. 20:24nlp




Forward- and Backward-propagation and Gradient Descent (From Scratch FNN Regression) - Deep Learning Wizard

Forwardpropagation, Backpropagation and Gradient Descent with PyTorch Transiting to Backpropagation Let's go back to our simple FNN to put things in perspective Let us ignore non-linearities for now to keep it simpler, but it's just a tiny change subsequen



FNN 구조 

- Linear function : hidden size = 32

- Non-linear function : sigmoid

- Linear function : output size = 1

- Non-linear function : sigmoid 


output size = 1 (꽃의 종류에 따라 0 또는 1 출력)

input size =2 (꽃의 특징 두가지 입력)

train data size = 100



1) 데이터 불러오기


import torch
import torch.nn as nn


from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import preprocessing
iris = datasets.load_iris()

# iris.data[:, :2] : 모든 feature 말고 첫 2개 feature만 불러오기 
X = torch.tensor(preprocessing.normalize(iris.data[:, :2]), dtype=torch.float) 
y = torch.tensor(iris.target.reshape(-1,1), dtype=torch.float)

X.size() # [150,2]
y.size() # [150,1]

# 원래 데이터의 꽃 종류는 0,1,2로 3가지. 우리는 0,1로 2가지만 사용 
# y[y<2].size() : y label이 0,1인 경우의 사이즈 [100,2]
#  y[y<2].size()[0] = 100
X = X[ :y[y<2].size()[0]]
y = y[ :y[y<2].size()[0]]

X.size() # [100,2]
y.size() # [100,1]


2) FNN model class 생성 


class FNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ):

        # Dimensions for input, hidden and output
        self.input_dim = 2
        self.hidden_dim = 32
        self.output_dim = 1

        # Learning rate definition
        self.learning_rate = 0.001

        # Our parameters (weights)
        # w1: 2 x 32
        self.w1 = torch.randn(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim)

        # w2: 32 x 1
        self.w2 = torch.randn(self.hidden_dim, self.output_dim)

    def sigmoid(self, s):
        return 1 / (1 + torch.exp(-s))

    def sigmoid_first_order_derivative(self, s):
        return s * (1 - s)

    # Forward propagation
    def forward(self, X):
        # First linear layer
        self.y1 = torch.matmul(X, self.w1) # 3 X 3 ".dot" does not broadcast in PyTorch

        # First non-linearity
        self.y2 = self.sigmoid(self.y1)

        # Second linear layer
        self.y3 = torch.matmul(self.y2, self.w2)

        # Second non-linearity
        y4 = self.sigmoid(self.y3)
        return y4

    # Backward propagation
    def backward(self, X, l, y4):
        # Derivative of binary cross entropy cost w.r.t. final output y4
        self.dC_dy4 = y4 - l

        Gradients for w2: partial derivative of cost w.r.t. w2
        self.dy4_dy3 = self.sigmoid_first_order_derivative(y4)
        self.dy3_dw2 = self.y2

        # Y4 delta: dC_dy4 dy4_dy3
        self.y4_delta = self.dC_dy4 * self.dy4_dy3

        # This is our gradients for w1: dC_dy4 dy4_dy3 dy3_dw2
        self.dC_dw2 = torch.matmul(torch.t(self.dy3_dw2), self.y4_delta)

        Gradients for w1: partial derivative of cost w.r.t w1
        self.dy3_dy2 = self.w2
        self.dy2_dy1 = self.sigmoid_first_order_derivative(self.y2)

        # Y2 delta: (dC_dy4 dy4_dy3) dy3_dy2 dy2_dy1
        self.y2_delta = torch.matmul(self.y4_delta, torch.t(self.dy3_dy2)) * self.dy2_dy1

        # Gradients for w1: (dC_dy4 dy4_dy3) dy3_dy2 dy2_dy1 dy1_dw1
        self.dC_dw1 = torch.matmul(torch.t(X), self.y2_delta)

        # Gradient descent on the weights from our 2 linear layers
        self.w1 -= self.learning_rate * self.dC_dw1
        self.w2 -= self.learning_rate * self.dC_dw2

    def train(self, X, l):
        # Forward propagation
        y4 = self.forward(X)

        # Backward propagation and gradient descent
        self.backward(X, l, y4)


3) FNN model 학습시키기 


# Instantiate our model class and assign it to our model object
model = FNN()

# Loss list for plotting of loss behaviour
loss_lst = []

# Number of times we want our FNN to look at all 100 samples we have, 100 implies looking through 100x
num_epochs = 101

# Let's train our model with 100 epochs
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    # Get our predictions
    y_hat = model(X)

    # Cross entropy loss, remember this can never be negative by nature of the equation
    # But it does not mean the loss can't be negative for other loss functions
    cross_entropy_loss = -(y * torch.log(y_hat) + (1 - y) * torch.log(1 - y_hat))

    # We have to take cross entropy loss over all our samples, 100 in this 2-class iris dataset
    mean_cross_entropy_loss = torch.mean(cross_entropy_loss).detach().item()

    # Print our mean cross entropy loss
    if epoch % 20 == 0:
        print('Epoch {} | Loss: {}'.format(epoch, mean_cross_entropy_loss))

    # (1) Forward propagation: to get our predictions to pass to our cross entropy loss function
    # (2) Back propagation: get our partial derivatives w.r.t. parameters (gradients)
    # (3) Gradient Descent: update our weights with our gradients
    model.train(X, y)

