그림으로 보는 RNN/LSTM과 GRU 번역 및 정리
https://towardsdatascience.com/illustrated-guide-to-recurrent-neural-networks-79e5eb8049c9 Illustrated Guide to Recurrent Neural Networks Understanding the Intuition towardsdatascience.com RNN과 은닉상태 초기화 → input 단어와 은닉상태를 RNN에 집어 넣기 → 그 단어의 output과 새로운 은닉상태가 출력됨 → 이 출력을 다시 RNN에 집어넣기 → 단어 없을 때까지 반복 → 출력을 FeedForward 레이어에 넣기 → 최종결과(prediction) 출력 은닉상태가 RNN의 기억장치 (저번 출력을 다음 입력으로 넘겨줌) tanh 함수는 출력을 [-..
2020.02.07 -
[DL Wizard] Weight Initializations & Activation Functions 번역 및 정리
https://www.deeplearningwizard.com/deep_learning/boosting_models_pytorch/weight_initialization_activation_functions/ Weight Initialization and Activation Functions - Deep Learning Wizard Weight Initializations & Activation Functions Recap of Logistic Regression Recap of Feedforward Neural Network Activation Function Sigmoid (Logistic) \sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} Input number \rightarrow [0,..
2020.02.05 -
[DL Wizard] Feedforward Neural Network with PyTorch 번역 및 정리
https://www.deeplearningwizard.com/deep_learning/practical_pytorch/pytorch_feedforward_neuralnetwork/ Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) - Deep Learning Wizard Feedforward Neural Network with PyTorch About Feedforward Neural Network Logistic Regression Transition to Neural Networks Logistic Regression Review Define logistic regression model Import our relevant torch modules. import torch import t..
2020.02.04 -
밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝 2권 : Chapter 3-4 [word2vec] 2020.01.26