Grimshaw 1979: Complement Selection and the Lexicon

2021. 3. 2. 10:56linguistics



predicate이 complement에 가하는 restriction

(1) subcategorization (syntactic frame)

(2) semantic selection (semantic frame)


Interrogative, Exclamatory Complement

  • matrix에선 different syntactic structure (syntax ≠, semantic ≠)
  • embedded clause에선 same syntactic structure (syntax =, semantic ≠)
    • Q: I will ask how tall John is (ignorance, non-factive, indeterminacy)
    • E: It's amazing how tall John is (factive, determinacy)

Null Complement Rule (NCR)

  • copying LF, not syntactic structure
  • null complement면 subcategorization restriction은 영향X, semantic selection restriction만 만족시키면 정문
  • only need to match semantic frames

Concealed Questions and Exclamations

  Syntactic Frame Semantic Frame Example
Concealed Questions NP Q Fred tried to guess the amount of the stolen money
Concealed Exclamations NP E It's amazing the big cat he bought
Wh-questions S Q Fred tried to guess how much money had been stolen
Wh-exclamations S E It's amazing what a big car he bought


Concealed Q,E Rule

  • NP를 concealed Q,E로 해석함

Concealed Q,E and Null Complement

  • LF에선 모두 wh-form
  • concealed Q,E는 null complement anaphora의 controller가 될 수 있음
  • noun phrase가 null complement를 question interpretation으로 control 할 수 있으려면 그 자체도 concealed question이어야 함
    • *Bill had reported being amazed at the size of the building (E), and so John decided to ask the guide +Q.
    • Bill had reported being amazed at the size of the building (E), and so John decided to ask the guide the size of the building (Q)


Lexical Uniformity

  1. null complement 허용하면 모든 complement type의 null complement 허용
  2. wh-question, wh-exclamation 모두 허용하면 concealed Q,E 둘다 허용하거나 아무것도 허용 안 함