McCloskey 2000: Quantifier and Wh-Movement

2021. 3. 21. 12:11linguistics


Irish English에선 Standard English가 허용하지 않는 all-stranding을 허용한다

  • What all did you get t for Christmas?
    • Irish, Standard English 모두 허용
  • What did you get all for Christmas?
    • Irish English만 허용
  • I don't remember what I said all.
    • embedded question에서도 위와 같은 all-stranding 가능

wh-quantifier float

quantifier float과 wh-quantifier float의 유사점

  • (차이) quantifier: A position / wh-quantifier: A' position
    • A: occupied by an argument / A-bar: not occupied by an argument


  • prosodic characteristics
    • optimal when all can be incorporated into a preceding head, preferably a verb

Stranding under Long Wh-Movement

  • all은 wh-movement가 시작된 곳 또는 거쳐 가는 곳에 있어야 함
    • 이는 what뿐만 아니라 다른 wh-pronoun에도, finite뿐만 아니라 infinite clause에도 똑같이 적용됨
    • 하지만 all이 original position (wh-movement가 orginate한 position)에 있으면 dispreference
    • original position: What did he say (that) he wanted all?
    • intermediate position: What did he say all (that) he wanted t?
    • final position: What all did he say (that) he wanted t?


  • all은 CP의 specifier 자리로 이동
    • tell은 DP, CP complement 가짐. stranding all은 DP의 오른쪽, C의 왼쪽에만 올 수 있음
  • (14b)와 (14d) 구조는 같지만, phonological weight이 다름. (14b)의 DP: him VS (14d)의 DP: his friends/Mickey
  • successive-cyclic character of long wh-movement


Stranding under Short Wh-Movement

  • clause-bounded wh-movement
    • all appears inside VP
  • object position: Who did he tell all he was going to resign?
  • further right: *Who did he tell he was going to resign all?
  • right of adjuncts: *What did she buy yesterday all?

→ 비문인 경우는 wh-movement가 지나가는 자리가 아니라서 비문?

  • PP complement 필요한 동사의 경우
    • wh가 지나가지 않는 자리: *Who did you talk all to?
    • prepositional object: ?Who did you talk to all (at the party)?
    • verb + another complement + P + all인 경우 ungramaticality 더 심함: ?Who did you give tea to all?
    • prosodically substantial preposition의 object인 경우 ungramaticality 더 심함: ?*Who were you sitting beside all?

The Internal Architecture of VP

  1. Object Positions

(1) canonical object

  • What did you put all in the drawer yesterday?

(2) right of other complement & left of adjunct

  • ?What did you put in the drawer all yesterday?

(3) right of adjunct

  • *What did you put in the drawer yesterday all?

→ (2)는 prosodic requirement가 ideal은 아니지만, syntactically 문제는 없음 ∴ intermediate status



(1), (2): well-formed

(3): ill-formed



(1): optimal

(2), (3): non-optimal


two object positions

(1) immediate postverbal position (2) right of PP complement (+ left of adjuncts)

→ ECM을 통해 알게 된 정보 (overt object shift, overt verb raising) 고려해보면,

(1) leftmost: immediate postverbal position

  • VP-external accusative position (AgrO)
  • What did you put all in the drawer?

(2) rightmost: position where object originates

  • VP-internal thematic position
  • ?What did you put in the drawer all?

→ direct object는 PP complement의 오른쪽(lower)에서 originate

  • ?She told [stories about each other]_j to the children t_j.

2. Exceptional-Case-Marking (ECM) Constructions

  • ECM subject: raised to accusative position (matrix VP)
    • The prosecutors proved absolutely nobody to be guilty during any of the trials
    → overt raising

not ECM (for complement)

  • Who did you arrange all for your mother to meet at the party?
    • all이 specifier of CP에 stranded
  • *Who did you arrange for your mother all to meet at the party?
    • your mother: specifier of IP / to: head of IP → 그 사이에 자리 없는데 all이 있어서 비문
    • Q. 여기서 your mother은 for한테 격을 받나?


  • Who did you want your mother all to meet at the party?
    • all: specifier of CP (wh-movement가 지나간 자리)
    • DP your mother가 all보다 왼쪽에 있는 것은 DP가 raising to accusative position 했기 때문
  • *Who did you want all your mother to meet at the party?

→ not ECM과 비교해보면 반대의 패턴

  • not ECM에선 all이 your mother보다 앞에 있어야 정문이었지만, ECM에선 all이 your mother보다 뒤에 있어야 정문

[결론] overt object shift, overt verb raising


3. Subjects

  • unaccusative, unergative, passive predicate의 경우에도 all stranding in the postverbal position 가능
    • What happened all at the party?
    • Who was fighting all at the party?

→ subject position이 verb의 오른쪽에 있나? 그래야 wh-movement하면서 거쳐온 자리라 정문이 됨

  • subject position: left specifier in VP


  • overt object shift, raising of V: to outside VP
  • stranding all: in VP-internal subject position
    • Who all built this house?
    • *Who built all this house?
    • ?Who built this house all?
      • 이 문장이 정문이 될 수 있는 조건 2가지
      (1) object is part of a collocation or idiom
      • ?Who changed their mind all?
      (2) object has little prosodic substance
      • Who read it all this morning?

[stranded subject all - PP complements] 순서가 일반적임

  • *Who was arguing with the boys all last night?
  • Who was arguing all with the boys last night?


A-bar movement, A-movement, and Quantifier Float


movement analysis

*They have gone all to bed

*They were arrested all last night

*They froze all during the winter

*They were spoken to all after class

→ 비문인데, movement analysis에 따르면 정문으로 분석함

→ 이를 비문으로 설명하기 위한 restriction 필요

all-stranding in the postverbal subject position

  • Who was throwing stones all around here?
  • *They were throwing stones all around here
    • 만약 who가 they랑 똑같이 spec TP 거쳐갔다면 똑같이 비문이어야 하는데, 얘는 정문임. 따라서 TP spec 거치지 않고 CP spec으로 바로 갔다는 걸 알 수 있음
    • TP의 specifier 거치지 않으면 EPP 어떻게 충족?
      • movement-inducing feature: "strong"
    • TP의 spec은 A-position (argument) / CP의 spec은 A' position
  • → who는 (they와 달리) VP-internal subject position에서 바로 CP의 specifier로 이동 (TP의 specifier 거치지 않음)

interrogative pronoun: wh-feature 있어서 all의 specifier로 이동함 → head("who all")가 wh-feature 갖게 됨 → A' position이 됨 (따라서 이 position에서 A position으로 이동 불가능)



satisfaction of the features of T

  • entire subject (who all) → movement is unproblematical (from A to A position) → spec TP로 이동 후, C[+wh] 도입되면 spec CP로 다시 이동
    • Who all was throwing stones in G. Square?
  • only specifier of subject (who) → movement is problematical (improper movement from A' to A position) → 그래서 이동 못하고 있다가(movement가 불가능한 경우, movement 없이 feature satisfaction 가능), 다음에 C가 도입되면 who는 C의 specifier로 이동함 (A' movement)
    • Who was throwing stones all in G. Square?





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